Gravis out: What to do with the Apple retailer's vouchers, warranty and devices

Following the announcement of the end, the company has now published some details of what this means for customers.

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Durchgestrichenes Gravis-Logo

Crossed-out Gravis logo: Last repairs until the middle of the month.

3 min. read
This article was originally published in German and has been automatically translated.

In mid-March, it was surprisingly announced that Gravis' traditional Apple stores – which were founded in 1986 – would be closing across Germany. According to parent company Freenet, the closure comes because the retail business is allegedly no longer profitable. In particular, the tight guidelines from Apple, including low margins, are said to have ensured that Gravis has been in the red with increasing losses since 2022 – "more or less [every] quarter", according to a Freenet spokesperson at the time. But what about Gravis' numerous customers? In an email and an FAQ, the company now explains how things will continue for them.

The letter, which was sent to the entire client database on Thursday, once again confirms the end of the stores and online store, which will have to close "soon". Anyone still holding Gravis vouchers or credit cards and so-called idea cards from the company should redeem them "quickly". "Many items in our range are already significantly reduced." While Gravis still exists - the stores are set to gradually close by the end of 2024 - financing will also be available until the end of May via banking partner BNP if desired.

Gravis is also still accepting old Apple devices (iPhones, iPads and MacBooks). Finally, anyone who wants to have Apple hardware repaired, for example with display or battery damage, can only arrange this at Gravis until May 15. After this date, the repair service will be discontinued. If customers have any further questions, they should contact Gravis either by e-mail ( or by telephone in Berlin (030/390 22 22 2).

Anyone wondering what will happen to any hardware protection or warranty claims that may have been concluded can find further information in a short FAQ on the Gravis website. It states, among other things, that complaints can still be made via customer service (but without specifying a time frame), that hardware protection via Targo insurance, which Gravis had sold, will remain available "with a new service partner" and that warranty claims will continue to be handled even after the closure of Gravis (via customer service).

Hardware subscriptions, which Gravis had recently marketed quite intensively, are to remain in place. The contractual partner here is C2 Circle. Even after the end of Gravis, it will be possible to use "an alternative service partner", "through which you can continue the subscription including all features". "Your subscription will therefore remain in place and will continue under the same conditions."

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